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Since setting up the group in 2015, we have benefited from various grants. We acknowledge the help & assistance received from Cumbria Voluntary Services  & Cumbria Community Foundation. We were also fortunate enough to secure a lottery grant during 2016.

Our acknowledgement page on this site lists many groups and organisations who have donated money. We are extremely grateful to everyone.

We are only a small group but it costs approximately £10,000 per year to run the group,  most of our expenses are used on facilitator costs, venue hire & publicity.

If you wish to make a donation please make cheques  payable to


With Singing In Mind & send to

 55 Bellingham Rd Kendal LA9 5JY

If preferred you can donate direct via

BACs to Cumberland B/S A/C 53277374  Sort Code 16 52 21 


Thank You!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


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